I have recently installed XOOPS on my ISPs server.
I know the following details about the server:
- MySQL - 5.0.32-Debian_7etch5.
- Php 4.3.10-16
I have the following modules installed:
- news 1.61,
- Xlanguage 3.01,
- Wfdownloads 2.05 and
- AMS 2.42 installed.
I have changed the database encoding to utf-8 to show my language characters correctly. Unfortunately, not all the text are coded in utf-8. I can see some texts, such as XOOPS messages to be displayed in iso8859-1. Also, I had problems with the rss feed,(/backend.php), now it seems to be working.
This is a personal homepage with only one user.
I have installed xlanguage to be able to create multilangual content. Unfortunately, I have some troubles with the content. After, some articles and news items are created, the page breaked up. It seems the it is Xlanguage problem. It translates texts, but somehow it breaks the page structure.
I use lang codes in almost ecery fields (topics, titles, textbodies, etc).
I think that it can related to AMS also, because after showing recent articles (4-5 should be displayed) it continues to show the center block in the place of left block. So the structure is gone.
Sometimes, also the opening xlanguage tag is displayed, or the topic name not displayed...
My site:
http://szokesandor.hu (in hungarian and english)
I need some advice.