Hi there,
I've only just started using XOOPS and I'm very impressed so far. The fine control on user/group permissions is what I needed.
I've had a good rummage around for a couple of things I need and hope someone can suggest a solution.
The site I am developing needs both blogs and articles. Now, it would be nice to use the same module and I've installed AMS but what I'd like to do is selectively enable commenting. So, for a blog-style post then commenting would be enabled but for an article it wouldn't. Any suggestions for how to achieve this? Is is possible to install it as 2 separate modules and enable commenting on one but not the other?
The other feature I'd like is for an image uploader as part of the wysiwyg editor for articles/blogs. Basically so that the writer can attach/display pictures (or even files) in the article or blog. It would need to be linked to the permissions though as I wouldn't want to enable it for everyone.
Lastly, in x-forum, is there a way to disable the upload box as a preference or do I have to edit the template for it?
And very lastly, how easy is it to change the default wysiwyg editor to something like tinymce (which I like)?
Thanks for reading and I hope you can help.