My tabs goes BETA!
What is mytabs Module (v1.0 beta) ?
With this XOOPS module, your can create blocks with several tabs an blocks inside.
The module can :
. Create any blocks you want (just clone the original)
. Create any pages (holders for tabs) you want so you can choose in the block what page to show
. Create any tabs you want per page
. Create any blocks you want per tabs
. Set group view permissons per block/page, tab and block
. Set time based permissions per tab and block
. Choose from 3 diferent page/block layouts
. Use how many blocks you want in the same page or not (just clone and set them)
. many other goodies like cache, position, scroll, width, etc
How to install mytabs
Copy mytabs folder into the /modules directory of your website. Then log in
to your site as administrator, go to System Admin > Modules, look for the mytabs
icon in the list of uninstalled modules and click in the install icon. Follow
the directions in the screen and you'll be ready to go.
Don´t forget to set view permissions for mytabs block.
This is a beta and needs testing.
It has some issues with XOOPS 2.3 alpha when you try to use cache for blocks. I believe is not mytabs fault has i have the same problem using cache in other modules blocks.
If you run into the same problem then add a folder named 'smarty_cache' with write permissions in
This was tested with php5 but should work with php4.
Smartobject module is not requiered in this beta version.
Upgrading from alpha
Unistall the alpha version and remove all files.
Read "How to install mytabs" above.
Download it from: at: