'; echo 'PayPal Configuration '; echo 'center'>'; $rsql = "SELECT rank_id, rank_title FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix('ranks').""; $rresult = $xoopsDB->query($rsql); $r_array = array(); while( $r_row = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($rresult) ){ $r_array[] = $r_row; } ShowDropBox('paypal_url', 'Please choose which Paypal IPN url you will use.', '', '', ''); ShowTextBox('receiver_email', 'PayPal Receiver Email', '', '40', ''); ShowTextBox('ty_url', "URL for Donation 'Thank You'", '', '80', 'onChange="checkCancelledURL(); return validdateURL(this,this.value);"'); ShowTextBox('pp_cancel_url', 'URL for cancelled donation', '', '80', 'onChange="return validdateURL(this,this.value);"'); ShowTextBox('pp_itemname', 'PayPal Item Name', '', '20', ''); ShowTextBox('pp_item_num', 'PayPal Item Number', '', '20', ''); ShowTextBox('pp_image_url', 'URL of image to display in PayPal', '', '60', ''); ShowYNBox('pp_get_addr', 'Ask user for postal address', '', '', ''); ShowDropBox('pp_curr_code', 'Choose your currency', '', '', ''); $gsql = "SELECT groupid, name FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix('groups')." WHERE groupid>3"; $gresult = $xoopsDB->query($gsql); $g_array = array(); while( $g_row = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($gresult) ){ $g_array[] = $g_row; } ShowArrayDropBox('assign_group', 'Select a Group to assign donators to.', '', '', '', $g_array); $rsql = "SELECT rank_id, rank_title FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix('ranks').""; $rresult = $xoopsDB->query($rsql); $r_array = array(); while( $r_row = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($rresult) ){ $r_array[] = $r_row; } ShowArrayDropBox('assign_rank', 'Select a Rank to assign donators to.', '', '', '', $r_array); echo ' '; echo ''; echo 'IPN Logging Options | '; echo '' .'Logging level | ' .'' .'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' | '; ShowTextBox('ipn_log_entries', 'Keep this many log entries', '', '4', ''); $desc = 'This box shows the link to the IPN recorder. This link must be pasted EXACTLY as it is into your PayPal IPN profile. You can click on the "test" link to the right to verify that the IPN recorder is functioning correctly.'; $desc = htmlentities($desc); echo '' ."$desc" align="right">IPN link for PayPal | " ."$desc" align="left"> ".XOOPS_URL."/modules/xdonations/ipnppd.php /modules/xdonations/ipnppd.php?dbg=1" target="_blank">Click here to test IPN | " . ' '; echo ' '; echo 'center' width='100%'> | '; echo ' |