mawi27 wrote:
I understand 'venues' as a variety of pubs, sportsbars etc. is that correct?
Yes taverns, pubs, bars & clubs...
How is the relation of the venues to the league and/or season and/or team? Is there one fix venue for each team?
Yes there is one fixed venue per team but a venue might have more than one team in the county league. The teams vist other venues for matches in their own league/county. The winners for the regular season are then matched against other leagues outside of their county.
At the end of the season a championship is played between the different leagues/counties of the state. The different leagues play each other down to one team in the finials.
Rotating venues between all the teams are standard. You only play a home game once a week. Other nights at different venues.
Let me see if I can get this right...
League's = Different Counties In The State
Charles County = Mens League or Womans League
Calvert County = Ect. Ect.
St. Marys County = Ect. Ect.
Venues = Where the matches are played
St. James Pub
Big Dogs
Hills Club
Teams = From each venue
St. James Pub = St. James Gents & St. James Dames
Big Dogs = Big Dog Bull Dogs & The Big Dog Poodles
Hills Club = Hills Club Arrows
Memories = Old Timers
Players = The module cover this very well already.
I sure hope this make sense. If not I will half to get my girlfriend to explain how her dart league works a little better than me...