Re: Backing up my stuffs
  • 2008/2/12 16:31

  • Anonymous

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paulizaz wrote:

Thanks for that, How about restoring the data using phpmyadmin?

Easier than making the backup in the first place

Assuming that you followed the guide in the link that I posted (including checking the "Add DROP TABLE", "Complete inserts" and "Extended inserts" boxes) then all you need to do is:

1. Navigate to your database
2. Click on the "SQL" tab
3. Browse to the backed up database on your PC (I always gzip mine, so the filename is "databasename.sql.gz")
4. Click on the "Go" button.

This will drop existing tables where they have the same name as those being written then recreate/populate them. Where no tables of the same name exist then they will be created and populated.

IMHO, forget the XOOPS modules and other tools. Just use phpmyadmin (or your host's CPanel if it has it included).



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