A 500 http error is a server error generated number.
To see what caused that you may check your server logs, or ask your server admin for information.
Since the server failed and you were able to re access the site then the server probably just had a momentary glitch.
It is my GUESS ..and.. that is all it is, a guess, {relating to the 500 error message}, that a sudden interruption in service may have caused a database table corruption.
So for starters I would go completely out of the program and reboot so my cache wasn't giving me a faulty read, and see if the problem still exists after re-booting.
I assume this was working before the 500 error.
If the problem still exists, after reboot.. then I would go to the database and do a repair tables.
You have a groups, and groups_permission -- either of those table could be corrupt. Select operation and look for the analize and repair table section.
This is what I would do, and I could be way off base because I have not encountered that problem.
I will google and see if anything else helpful might show up...
60 case "update":
61 if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check()) {
62 redirect_header("admin.php?fct=groups&op=adminMain", 3, implode('
', $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getErrors()));
63 }
64 $system_catids = empty($system_catids) ? array() : $system_catids;
65 $admin_mids = empty($admin_mids) ? array() : $admin_mids;
66 $read_mids = empty($read_mids) ? array() : $read_mids;
67 $read_bids = empty($read_bids) ? array() : $read_bids;
68 $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
69 $group =& $member_handler->getGroup($g_id);
70 $group->setVar('name', $name);
71 $group->setVar('description', $desc);
72 // if this group is not one of the default groups
73 if (!in_array($group->getVar('groupid'), array(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN, XOOPS_GROUP_USERS, XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS))) {
74 if (count($system_catids) > 0) {
75 $group->setVar('group_type', 'Admin');
76 } else {
77 $group->setVar('group_type', '');
78 }
79 }
80 if (!$member_handler->insertGroup($group)) {
81 xoops_cp_header();
82 echo $group->getHtmlErrors();
83 xoops_cp_footer();
IF someone can determine from this code or experience what may have gone wrong.
Please chime in, this gentleman needs your help...