Hey everyone,
I've installed MXDirectory on my website. I would like to edit the listing boxes to look more like the ones located at:
http://www.foxwood.ws/modules/mxdirectory/For example I would like to rearrange the position of the data, such as the address and logo to look more like the website listed above. I would also like to edit the individual business page data to be more like:
http://www.foxwood.ws/modules/mxdirectory/singlelink.php?cid=3&lid=6I love how their "yellow pages" box is seperated from the categories box and the categories box is seperated from the latest listings, etc.
What files do I need to edit to do this?
I'm new to Xoops, so any help is appreciated!
You can view my site at
http://www.gallupprinting.com/xoops to see a sample of what I have so far. I haven't even attempted a theme template yet... that's my next adventure!