1. where can i download old version of xoopstube ?
XoopsTube 1.01 RC5XoopsTube 1.01 RC6XoopsTube 1.01 RC7Quote:
2. which file do i have to edit to change the email topic/subject for the "tell a friend" feature ?
The file include/videoload.php
$video['mail_subject'] = rawurlencode( sprintf( _MD_XTUBE_INTFILEFOUND, $xoopsConfig['sitename'] ) );
$video['mail_body'] = rawurlencode( sprintf( _MD_XTUBE_INTFILEFOUND, $xoopsConfig['sitename'] ) . ': ' . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule -> getVar( 'dirname' ) . '/singlevideo.php?cid=' . $video_arr['cid'] . '&lid=' . $video_arr['lid'] );
and templates/singlevideo.php:
<a href="mailto:?subject=<{$video.mail_subject}>&body=<{$video.mail_body}>" target="_top"><{$smarty.const._MD_XTUBE_TELLAFRIEND}>a>
3. suggestion - create a sort option in viewcat.php where user can select select View by Date | By Hits | By Alphabet
This has been removed to make the module more basic/simple. The routines are still in include/functions.php. If yo want to restore these functions you should have a look at WF-Links 1.03b/c.
4. as everyone know google owns youtube, so will google punish me as example in google ranking because of using youtube's
Note as far as I know. Since XoopsTube is supporting meta keywords and meta descriptions the videos on my website are better indexed by search engines. My site also is slowly climbing from google page 13 to page 2. The ranking is still the same, bu might change. Google updates this appr. every 3 weeks.
5. Can i disable the metacafe support ?
Just disable the menu in submit.php and admin/index.php