2007/11/12 21:12
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2007/11/12 21:15
Friend of XOOPS
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Since: 2005/11/26
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Since: 2004/11/13
JAVesey wrote:The sort-order on my Inbox changed
2007/11/12 21:16
XOOPS is my life!
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2007/11/12 21:19
2007/11/12 22:23
Home away from home
Posts: 1072
Since: 2005/8/15
gtop00 wrote:Quote:JAVesey wrote:The sort-order on my Inbox changed Mine too.
2007/12/4 0:09
davidl2 wrote:Getting that many pm's deleted is unlikely without there being other reasons... look at Giba for example.And yes - my sort order changed as well.Fortunately, it looks like it was a false alarm - but it would have been nice to have been told about the PM changes and the odd change to the forum...
2007/12/4 20:39
2007/12/4 21:23
2007/12/13 8:38
Posts: 1786
Since: 2004/10/10
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