Do I risk to be banned by cross posting?
Well, it seems to be the same problem as for modules.
Those who are active, are working by their own
hosting their own projects (themes/modules)
It ends with the same challenge, keep information up to date!
Something alike wiki set everybody free to contribute
update a link, to developer site or mirror, update version
review, etc. If this 'model' works for wikipedia or other
'active' sites, why don't give it a try here?
Is there a need for an heavy 'administration' and complexed
team process? Everyone wants information uptodate,
and it will takes a few secondes to help each others.

Credits to Mikhail for suggesting some time ago:
K.I.S.S. (not sarcarsm nor p. spam)
P.S. just add a 'vote' or number of 'views' option for popularity.
I like people more than machines or money. But that's me!
Lets do something good and great: Lets do open source!