I have a client who I'm going to set up using xoops, I was originally going to use modx, but XOOPS would be the better solution in this case.
However it occured to me that (I dont recall anyway) a simple way to transfer a devloped site from one end to the other.
For instance:
Devloping the new site in a subfolder of existing site-
When it's ready Id like to move it out of the subfolder and into the main root.
I figured I could do this and just update the mainfile php.
Is this correct or am I off base here?
This is made a little more complicated because Im not using my prefered host. Ill have to communicate with the web host company about moving files around and what not-
in short-Is that all I have to do? Update the mainfile if I move folders-should I do a system module update after that or will it be ok?
One thing I did like about modx-was that in the admin there is a page where you can control the paths the site uses. Such a feature makes it ewasy to develop in a sub folder and then move it out.
Or transfer your site another way.
-I appreciate anyone takeing a quick moment to confirm this for me.
Thank you!