I understand how you feel. I felt bad buying this website from a man like James Morris as well, I felt like I was really taking a part from his heart, however I want you to also understand that he would have never handed over the community if he didn't think I could do better. James is a very busy man. I am still keeping in touch with him day after day, so he is not so far away, he is just not under the spot light any more :)
Posting a preview and thumbnail would be useless since I am looking for a long term coder that can code 1 XOOPS by the end of each week. Since the designs are not pre-made and I will be custom designing them, it would be impossible to post thumbnails.
To all of XOOPS community, I am really up for this, Designing a PSD template each week for free is not something everyone would do, however I am willing to sacrifice some of my time for a greater good. So please support me on this and a coder come forward. I promise you won't regret in the long run.
Already some great WP coders have come forward to support me on WP themes, it is time XOOPS came forward as well!