https://xoops.org.cn/modules/newbb/dl_attachment.php?attachid=1186743141&post_id=49081Demo(in Chinese):
http://zen.xoops.org.cn/README File:
Please DO NOT remove the footer because the original theme is under the Creative Commons License
How to Use it ?
(I)A little change of the left and right block
1.The LEFT block becomes the sidebar which lies on the right side.
2.The RIGHT block goes to the bottom.
Confusing, huh?
The theme is encoded in UTF-8. Pay attention to that!
(III)Something about the Navbar
Please modify the theme.html to change the navbar.
(IV)Center Block
The center-center, center-left and center-right blocks actually lie in the same place. The center-center block will be shown firstly, then the center-left block and center-right block shows lastly.
(V)You may need to modify the templates of some modules to make the theme work better.
(IV)About my English
I'm not a native speaker. I'm actually a Chinese. Sorry for my poor English level. If you don't quite understand what I've said, please go to my website listed below.
Original author of the theme: Free CSS Templates
Ported to XOOPS by insraq
Free CSS Templates: