I'm using the News mod and want to change the appearance of the title in the posts. I've tried this via the news_item.html template and via the article.php but with no success.
At the moment it shows
TOPIC TITLE : News Title
I just want it to show
News Title
The relevant code I can find is in the article.php
$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'news_article.html';
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/header.php';
$story['id'] = $storyid;
$story['posttime'] = formatTimestamp($article->published(),$dateformat);
$story['news_title'] = $article->title();
[b]$story['title'] = $article->textlink()." : ".$article->title();[/b]
$story['topic_title'] = $article->textlink();
The code in the news_item.html is:
<td class="itemHead"><h2 class='title">[b]<{$story.title}>[/b]
I've tried changing it to <{$story.news_title}> in the html template but that didn't work.
I've tried changing the article.php to
$story['title'] = $article->title();
but that didn't work either!
Help. You can see the relevant page at
TopVA DemoThanks, Tracy