I installed XOOPS into
http://ucichess.com/xoops, then realized it needed to be in the main directory so I moved all the contents of the XOOPS folder to
http://ucichess.com. I then edited mainfile.php to correct the path and everything worked fine, but now I want to install a chess module, I followed the steps by uploading all the files in the correct subdirectory within modules, then it says go to the XOOPS admin page which I do, however I noticed that when I installed XOOPS the admin page only has one button named System Admin, I remember installing XOOPS a year ago and it had a bunch of other options, ok I ignored this assuming it was normal. I then selected modules under the System Admin button, a new page comes up with a table of System Configuration modules. Here is an image of what I see:
Ok so now I am wondering why there is no way to install this module because there is no option. Keep in mind this is the first module I am installing on this website but I have done this many times on my other site without a problem, but never this specific chess module.
Thanks for the help!!