Re: Project Leader: Catzwolf
  • 2007/6/29 12:22

  • Alan-A

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 191

  • Since: 2004/2/17

the main point I wanted to make is not to judge you for being good or bad but whether I think you would make a good leader in Xoops.
As a normal member, I've no information about the back stabbing, lobbying and so on which goes on behind the scenes. I can only base my opinion on what I see posted on this site - and I make no pretence about the fact that I don't read the majority of postings.
I'm impressed that you answered my post directly - I think in your position, I'd have found that difficult. However, I see you didn't address my point about your flames - and this is basically my main point. There are situations where your style of soft skills fits - I just don't think XOOPS is one of these situations.

Re: Project Leader: Catzwolf
  • 2007/6/29 12:41

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


Alan-A wrote:
the main point I wanted to make is not to judge you for being good or bad but whether I think you would make a good leader in Xoops.
As a normal member, I've no information about the back stabbing, lobbying and so on which goes on behind the scenes. I can only base my opinion on what I see posted on this site - and I make no pretence about the fact that I don't read the majority of postings.
I'm impressed that you answered my post directly - I think in your position, I'd have found that difficult. However, I see you didn't address my point about your flames - and this is basically my main point. There are situations where your style of soft skills fits - I just don't think XOOPS is one of these situations.

What constitutes the wording 'Flames'?

Flaming implies slander:

1. Law. Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.

Then if this is what you mean, then I would have to say no I did not flame.

If you mean I came in here with the intention of trying to make things change by giving my point of view on how I saw things run by a certain members abusing their powers, then yes you could say I did flame.

If something is worth fighting for I will fight for it, I only wish I had done it a long time ago rather than backing away.

Edit: I have never stated at anytime I want to run for the leadership of Xoops. I said I wish to make a difference here at Xoops.

Re: Project Leader: Catzwolf
  • 2007/6/29 13:17

  • Alan-A

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 191

  • Since: 2004/2/17

someone with appropriate permissions must look out your old usernames. There was a time when, for example, you logged in under John something - unfortunately I don't remember your past profiles.

Re: Project Leader: Catzwolf

I have never stated at anytime I want to run for the leadership of Xoops. I said I wish to make a difference here at Xoops.

Sorry, I misread your initial statement:
I have decided to put myself forward for the leadership role within Xoops

But anyway, if you want to help, then I fully support that (should anybody care). My main point was and still is that coming up with ideas is the easy part - bringing them to life is what is difficult. As Mboyden states, "Focus on issues, not on people". Focus on what really really needs to be done, do that, THEN take the next move. The big all-encompassing plans tend to fail on the small parts.


character assassination usually consists of the spreading of rumors and deliberate misinformation on topics relating to one's morals, integrity, and reputation.

None of what I have said about Catz is rumor or misinformation. It is a very long time since Catz followed a project to the finish and released anything. Therefore, I disagree with him leading XOOPS (but since that is not an issue, let's let it go).


some prominent members who have been missing only show up to create more controversy.

I assume that you mean me and not Catz here? Could you define "missing"?
In the past year, I have worked on WF-Downloads v3, SmartMail, SmartProfile, SmartBlocks, trying to give XOOPS users something of value without resorting to hacking the core and releasing my own XOOPS versions. This option has for the most part been available to everybody else - still, some people think that if their suggestions (often vague descriptions of a solution rather than a specific need) are not accepted right away, this is the only way to contribute.

Maybe if more people made modules to do what they wanted - even if it simulated core behaviour or "should be intthe core" - it would be easier for core developers to pick the interesting bits and include them in the core than now, where core devs have to get an overview of all changes in a full core.

Similarly, when it comes to the content on xoops.org - stating what someone wants or desires or imagines could be done is all very well, but how about some visual images of what it could be? Find out what is needed, specifically (Modules repository needs a "compatible with XOOPS versions x & y but not z", that will require this and that change to a downloads module). Come up with a suggestion theme.

Even if the suggestion is not implemented right away - or not at all - you will have contributed to the process and maybe someone gets the ultimately brilliant idea that everyone loves based on your first suggestion.

I don't see the controversy in that.

Take care. I'm off to a vacation. I may be back.
"When you can flatten entire cities at a whim, a tendency towards quiet reflection and seeing-things-from-the-other-fellow's-point-of-view is seldom necessary."

Cusix Software

Re: Project Leader: Catzwolf
  • 2007/6/29 13:48

  • underdog

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2007/6/21


Mithrandir wrote:
Find out what is needed, specifically (Modules repository needs a "compatible with XOOPS versions x & y but not z", that will require this and that change to a downloads module).

I'll volunteer for that, once someone says it's needed.
Once everyone has settled down and come back on board (and the new site is up :P (J/K))


I'm off to a vacation. I may be back.

Have a great vacation. See you back soon.

Re: Project Leader: Catzwolf
  • 2007/6/29 16:57

  • alitan

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 399

  • Since: 2004/3/14

Stop these discussion of "I've done better than you, you've done nothing, I'm this, I'm That,blah,blah,blah". Seriously stop these flame wars,
Just put up a poll, put the candidates:
1) Catzwolf
2) Phppp
3) JMorris
then let people vote. Send an email to everyone to make sure they vote too. I strongly advice this poll system to be installed ASAP to manage the situation here, these is a public mess and needs to be handled ASAP.
If you, however, want to put some of your biography as a campaign or anything like that(your portfolio of coding for instance), I think it would be appropriate to do so. I, in fact, encourage you to do so. But please don't ruin everybody elses campaign.
This system should be democratic and workable. Other system, that require consensus is generally very slow and not good for advancement. So let's just elect someone as a leadre, President or whatever you want to call it, and move on. And please finish these hate talks now!
My Persian Xoops Project:

Re: Project Leader: Catzwolf
  • 2007/6/29 17:02

  • JMorris

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2722

  • Since: 2004/4/11

Please do not include my name in any nominations. I'm not interested in management and will not fill any management role.

Thank you.
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.

Re: Project Leader: Catzwolf
  • 2007/6/29 17:21

  • alitan

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 399

  • Since: 2004/3/14

I just wanted to give an example, otherwise, whoever wants to lead or manage should candidate themeselves, not by me or any other person.
My Persian Xoops Project:

Re: Project Leader: Catzwolf
  • 2007/6/29 18:34

  • EyeKeeper

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2002/6/11


I tried not to get upset with all this non-sense e ego fights but somehow I have to state my point...

In fact a leader for XOOPS should not be one that just codes or gives the guidelines...

Has any or you simply tried to get a different angle on this situation? Or even tried to discover what users want and not what coders want?

if we can have a TEAM of amazing people everyone good on its own, WHY NOT TAKE THE CHANGE?

Xoops is a stable project way behind it should be...

I had the chance to "work" with Catz and I know how good he is and how transparent he lets things... something not usual here at xoops.org....

I'm currently admin of http://www.xoops.net.br in Brasil and there we're very democratic too...

What I'm trying to say is... what catz has done in months with Zarilia, has never happened in years with xoops..

and why... just because he looked at the users' point of view..

so why not have a person to manage a lot of egos and talented people that could be the spokesperson as well?

International projects are made by talented people an thoughts...

just my 2 cents!

Re: Project Leader: Catzwolf
  • 2007/6/29 23:58

  • giba

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 638

  • Since: 2003/4/26

I will still answer this in off-topic, but the next one I will go to try to fix.

@RedEye - This my friend Great collaborator, partner and more.

Correct, i am member team XOOPS Brasil too. Today i am member concill and very happy.

Leader Team XOOPS Brasil today is:

- Collaborator

- Here is the Main, collaborators.

- Admin and Concill

- RedEye.
- TheRpLima.
- Topet05.
- Giba.

- Cordinators

- LuiX
- someone
- FabioEgas.
- Prometheus.

- Users

- all registered...


Attention please Hierarchy.

Collaborators must come before us. We will never be nothing if we will not have collaborating.

The collaborators can make everything in the XT?

Not they cannot. Before they need to conquer its space just serving the community of form, responsible ordeira.

Baderneiros never will have place in our community.


@Giba - commenting myself.

My commentary in the previous topic of form some must have been faced in a way rude. Although my very poor English, I do not know to speak exactly and already I am very old to learn, but I strengthen very to try to communicate me.

It would like to inform and to communicate that a leader is born, blunts, is stream bed, is voted, adds value, makes the difference.

In the business administration it is very common to happen divergences of ideas, but this never is bad reason to be treated as something. All good leader knows to evaluate the risks, to face problems, divergences and to breach these barriers.

It is possible to more than coexist a leader in a sector of a company?

yes, it is possible, but it needs to exist a superior leadership and exactly thus one of the two leaders will have to yield. During a space of 6 the 12 months, a leader will remain and only emerge.

He is clearly that this another leader will be able to play other roles and also will be able to contribute in another department of harmonious form. But she is necessary to know of this. This independe of the ego of the person, that is a fact, is proven by long studies.

How to make to extract optimum of these leaders?

The reply she is very simple and basic. To always defy. To obtain new challenges, new horizontes, personal and not monetary motivations.

Here the scene is perfect. I identified 4 leaders here. All with good capacities to undertake and to take our community ahead the new generation.

Again, leader is not optimum coder here, is evaluating the question to lead teams.

If this leader will be individualistic, forgets, nor initiates, you will go to have problems.

You can be optimum to coder of the world, if not to know to become related with its team, will go to fail.

- Now my people, we go to work in team.
- We go to leave the side rancor.
- Please, it has patience with the collaborators who do not say the English correctly, them also can be of great too.
- It makes its voluntary work here with love.
- Either humble with the people whom they desire to help.
- We go to construct to a beautiful future my people.

Now coming back to the topic

My sugestion now and today, tomorrow is outher day.

- Project Leader: phppp - Catz - Predator - Marcan.

Look, my wish.

- Not unique controler a project.
- peace , please.

Catz deserves its change, leaves it to also make the work.

Eu responderei este ainda em off-topic, mas o próximo irei tentar consertar.

O meu comentário no tópico anterior de forma alguma deveria ter sido encarado de uma maneira rude. Embora meu inglês muito pobre, n?o sei falar mesmo e já estou muito velho para aprender, mas eu esfor?o muito para tentar me comunicar.

Gostaria de informar e comunicar que um líder nasce, desponta, é leito, é votado, agrega valor, faz a diferen?a.

Na administra??o de empresas é muito comum acontecer divergências de idéias, mas isto nunca é motivo para ser tratado como algo ruim. Todo bom líder sabe avaliar os riscos, encarar problemas, divergências e romper estas barreiras.

? possível conviver mais de um líder em um setor de uma empresa ?

sim, é possível, mas precisa existir uma lideran?a superior e mesmo assim um dos dois líderes deverá ceder.

Durante um espa?o de 6 a 12 meses, somente um líder restará e emergirá. ? claro que este outro líder poderá desempenhar outros papéis e também poderá contribuir em outro departamento de forma harmoniosa.

Mas é preciso saber disto. Isto independe do ego da pessoa, isto é um fato, é comprovado por longos estudos.

Como fazer para extrair o melhor destes líderes ?

A resposta é muito simples e básica. Desafiar sempre. Conseguir novos desafios, novos horizontes, motiva??es pessoais e n?o monetárias.

Aqui o cenário é perfeito. Eu identifiquei 4 líderes aqui. Todos com boas capacidades de empreender e levar a nossa comunidade adiante a nova gera??o.

E novamente, líder aqui n?o é o melhor codificador, estou avaliando a quest?o de conduzir equipes.

Você pode ser o melhor coder do mundo, se n?o souber se relacionar com a sua equipe, irá falhar.

Se este líder for individualista, esque?a, nem inicie, você irá ter problemas.

- Agora meu povo, vamos trabalhar em equipe.
- Vamos deixar o rancor de lado.
- Por favor, tenha paciência com os colaboradores que n?o falam corretamente o inglês, eles podem ser de grande ajuda também.
- Fa?a o seu trabalho voluntário aqui com amor.
- Seja humilde com as pessoas que desejam ajudar.
- Vamos construir um belo futuro meu povo.

Agora voltando ao tópico



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