Re: XOOPS Codes Explained
  • 2007/6/23 8:49

  • nachenko

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 356

  • Since: 2005/1/18

I can't believe there is a code to insert site url just like XOOPS_URL constant.

I should have discovered it a bit sooner.

Put this in the FAQ, for God's sake.

Re: XOOPS Codes Explained


adrock wrote:
when submitting the p[ost...simply uncheck the checkbox that says 'Use XOOPS Code' before submitting.

Yahoo <--- see!

Let me change my question:

I want use XOOPS Code but in certain part of post I just want disable them.

Is that possible in XOOPS ?

Re: XOOPS Codes Explained
  • 2007/6/23 13:36

  • mboyden

  • Moderator

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It depends upon the module as to whether or not you can do something like this. On these forums, no; on others yes. It depends upon what the module developer allowed. Some dis/allow XOOPS Codes and/or HTML. However, you either turn on XOOPS codes or off, same as HTML. If HTML is allowed, then you can likely do what you want. Unfortuately, what you are asking for isn't available, but you're right, it would be good. XOOPS Codes (BBCode as I've been reminded) is the "safe" alternative to using/allowing HTML. Having a way to disable them as you've suggested is a good idea for developer type forums.
Pessimists see difficulty in opportunity; Optimists see opportunity in difficulty. --W Churchill

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Re: XOOPS Codes Explained
  • 2009/3/24 10:55

  • chefry

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1005

  • Since: 2006/10/14

Here's a stupid question....

Is there a XOOPS Code to force a linebreak, like


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