It's possible, but it depends upon a number of things. Here is my short checklist.
How to Deploy Existing Site to New Site
1. Export the entire database
2. TarGzip the entire site (include XOOPS_TRUSTED_PATH if appropriate)
3. Setup database on new site (if not already setup)
4. Change hard-coded local URLs in data (make relative!).
5. Import database to new site
6. UnGzipTar files and move into place
7. Fix mainfile.php with new database login, XOOPS root path/url
8. Fix .htaccess with new domain/url (likely unneeded)
#4 is quite pertinent. Depending on your content, you may have some hardcoded URLs or IMG sources. The depends upon how your server is configured. You may have to do a search and replace of your SQL code prior to importing the database to fix these across your site.
Mainfile has your database login info and XOOPS Root info (two places: URL and file root). If your database hasn't changed, then you don't have to worry about that.
I've done this a number of times for clients because we have a development sandbox, a test/staging sandbox, and then the production environment. Each has to be easy to move. Using the above, makes it easy.