You can only currently specify a block per module not per page, try one of the following.
You could have a look at the 'whats new' module available from:
http://linux2.ohwada.net/modules/whatsnew/Download @:
http://linux2.ohwada.net/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=1&lid=10or create a blank module to canvas over with blocks.
If your unsure of how to place blocks, then go to your blocks admin and you can make the changes from their:
Xoops 2.0.16 (I presume)
admin ---> system ---> blocks
You will then see a list of blocks available, you will also note there is two drop downs
- Show blocks visible in - This to show blocks currently visible in a certain area of your website.
- Group - This shows blocks visible by XOOPS group.
Find the block you want to edit, and set the 'visible' to 'yes', and that it's used on a specific module (edit block)
Also how to display on the page, i.e. left right, center, etc, etc.
Remember you also need to change group permissions for whom can view what block too.
admin ---> system ---> groups
Hope this is of some help.