Ah yes. These idiosyncrasies are pare of what make us love News so much!
I believe the problem with the extended text is that the code only shows this to administrators. To fix this (in version 1.53), comment out lines 93 and 101 in
It should now look something like this:
//Extra info
//If admin -> if submit privilege
//if ($approveprivilege) { //Commented out by Lankford on 2007/4/13
$editor2=news_getWysiwygForm(_AM_EXTEXT, 'bodytext', $bodytext, 15, 60, 'bodytext_hidden');
if(news_getmoduleoption('metadata')) {
$sform->addElement(new xoopsFormText(_NW_META_DESCRIPTION, 'description', 50, 255, $description), false);
$sform->addElement(new xoopsFormText(_NW_META_KEYWORDS, 'keywords', 50, 255, $keywords), false);
//} //Commented out by Lankford on 2007/4/13
You'll now see both entry forms every time.
As far as the other bug goes, it looks as though this may be a 'feature not a bug' kind of thing. In that same file on line 153 you see that the box gets checked if there is a publish date present. The publish date seems to go in 10 minute increments. Because of this, you can post a document, immediately edit that document and watch it disappear as the publish date got automatically rounded up to the next 10 minute increment, which is still in the future. This isn't a fix but I personally just keep it in my head that I have to manually roll this number back 10 or 20 minutes to ensure that my post is immediately visible on the seldom occasion when this comes up.
Anyone know of a bug fix to this???