I don't really get this either.
CBB installer has
KEY `uid` (`uid`),
KEY `pid` (`pid`),
KEY `forum_id` (`forum_id`),
KEY `topic_id` (`topic_id`),
KEY `subject` (`subject`(40)),
KEY `forumid_uid` (`forum_id`,`uid`),
KEY `topicid_uid` (`topic_id`,`uid`),
KEY `post_time` (`post_time`),
KEY `topicid_postid_pid` (`topic_id`,`post_id`,`pid`),
for bb_posts table.
But phpMyadmin/mysql complains about..
More than one INDEX key was created for column `forum_id`
More than one INDEX key was created for column `topic_id`
I found this article that explains indexes
http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mysql/article.php/1382791 (basically an index is literally that.. it speeds up queries) but which index is best to delete in the bb_posts table?