Pure CSS Menus for use in Blocks-- no JS
  • 2007/4/3 15:29

  • rabideau

  • Home away from home

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  • Since: 2003/4/25

Hello all,

I have developed what I believe is a cross-browser (latest versions of FF, IE, Opera anyway) Pure CSS Menu template (no JS). The menu works independently of the site css and is able to function within any Custom Block (assuming you make width correct...).

I would greatly appreciate any comments or issues you might encounter viewing this menu... it may be found at:


Once testing is complete, I will make the code available on HelpXOOPS to anyone who wants it.
Pax vobiscum,

may the road rise to meet your feet!


Re: Pure CSS Menus for use in Blocks-- no JS


rabideau wrote:
Hello all,

I have developed what I believe is a cross-browser (latest versions of FF, IE, Opera anyway) Pure CSS Menu template (no JS). The menu works independently of the site css and is able to function within any Custom Block (assuming you make width correct...).

I would greatly appreciate any comments or issues you might encounter viewing this menu... it may be found at:


Once testing is complete, I will make the code available on HelpXOOPS to anyone who wants it.

I visit the web site by IE 7, the menu appears correctly.
gmail & gtalk: huzhengh (at) gmail (dot) com
Skype: huzhenghui

Re: Pure CSS Menus for use in Blocks-- no JS
  • 2007/4/4 6:03

  • blueteen

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works great under Firefox 1.5.
But fails under IE6 (no reaction on mouse over).

Re: Pure CSS Menus for use in Blocks-- no JS
  • 2007/4/4 13:17

  • rabideau

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1042

  • Since: 2003/4/25

Thank you blueteen.

I'm not quite certain what I will do with that problem... since I can't test it. I guess I'll note the problem and leave it to someone else to solve.
Pax vobiscum,

may the road rise to meet your feet!


Re: Pure CSS Menus for use in Blocks-- no JS
  • 2007/4/4 16:15

  • Bender

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Hi Mark,

Why canĀ“t you test it? Running IE7 instead of 6?

If so this might help for testing:

Internet Explorer 6 Application Compatibility VPC Image for Virtual PC(free)

Microsoft Virtual PC (free)

Or are you actually working on *nix or MacOS?

Besides maybe something to look at as examples for css cross browser compatability: CSS Play

(however i guess most of you reading this have seen that site before)
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Re: Pure CSS Menus for use in Blocks-- no JS
  • 2007/4/4 17:41

  • rabideau

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1042

  • Since: 2003/4/25

Hi Bender,

Actually my code is based on a derivative from css play. However, his stuff didn't work with Opera 9. So I got something from: How-to-create and hacked it apart and reassembled it...

Anyway to make a long story longer... I guess I'm not too worried about IE 6 at least not enough so that I'd load anymore MS stuff on my PC. I am assuming --probably wrongly-- that most people will take the route to IE 7, since it's free. And... IE 7 adheres to more standards than the earlier IEs did.

[Insert joke about 900 pound gorillas here]

Thanks for the pointer though.

Bottom line is I am happy to give the code to anyone skilled enough and equipped to fix it!
Pax vobiscum,

may the road rise to meet your feet!


Re: Pure CSS Menus for use in Blocks-- no JS
  • 2007/4/4 18:58

  • kris_fr

  • Theme Designer

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In the very next version of the template theme Mor.pho.GEN.e.sis, I incorporated a dynamic horizontal menu in the header and another vertical dynamics for the Main Menu, those are completely full Css (without javascript) and function under the various navigators and versions


Re: Pure CSS Menus for use in Blocks-- no JS
  • 2007/4/4 19:04

  • rabideau

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1042

  • Since: 2003/4/25

Hi kris_fr,

We'd be happy to stress test the theme on http://helpxoops.info if you want.

Are you able to take those menus and place them independently in custom blocks also??? If so, wonderful!
Pax vobiscum,

may the road rise to meet your feet!



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