I'm hoping someone out here can help me fix this blank page im getting..
Here is the situation:
I just installed XOOPS 2.0.16 on a Netware server.
After some issues with the default security settings in the netware default php installation the installation script worked flawlessly. Green little buttons all over the place.. and a nice message at the end that the installation was complete.
After that I went to my base url... and a blank screen appeared.
I turned on all debugging in php, edited the common.php to set all error_reporting to E_ALL. I edited the database _config debug setting to true... and still no errors.
So, since no errors appeared.. i decided to make some in the common.php.. errors displayed nicely.. so debugging was enabled.
I followed the scripts down to header.php.. using my "boo-bugger" along the way.
------------ Offtopic -----------
//Boo-Bugger (GPL licenced)
//Created and Designed by Damien
//View complete licence at //http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
//You can modify and use this source code aslong as you keep
//the GPL licence url intact.
echo "boo";
So.. anyway...
The boo-bugger kept working nicely untill I got down to the definition of $xoTheme.
* @var xos_opal_Theme
$xoTheme =& $xoopsThemeFactory->createInstance( array(
'contentTemplate' => @$xoopsOption['template_main'],
) );
After this bit of code all the output stops.
Im not very familiar with smarty, but to me it seems Smarty is the cause.
I checked the cache and templates_c permissions.. and they seem to be allright.
Another odd thing is that when I clear out the templates_c directory and reload the page.. 2 cached template files appear in the templates_c.
I've used both php5 and php4 to test the thing.. but same problems remains in both versions.
This is all running on apache 2.
I can also echo set variables within the php scripts (common.php, header.php) with no problem. Database connections seem to be fine.
I hope there is anyone here that can help me with this problem.
I'll keep a close eye on this thread.. and will try to reply ASAP to any questions that anyone may have.
Best regards,