I finally found the solution to my problem...
First of all I might say it's for one specific case so I didn't really care of making the "[br]" tags as variables but you can easily adapt it according to your needs...
what you need to do is:
edit the file \include\form_execute.php
around lines 68-70 you have:
if( $ele_caption != '' ){
$msg[$ele_id] = $myts->stripSlashesGPC($ele_caption)." ";
} }
change it to:
if( $ele_caption != '' ){
$er = '~(.*?)[br](.*?)[/br](.*?)~sUi';
$tagless_caption = preg_replace($er, '\2', $ele_caption).": ";
$msg[$ele_id] = $myts->stripSlashesGPC($tagless_caption)." ";
in this part I defined that I wanted to copy only the string between the tags
[br] and
[/br] because it was only the caption in Portuguese I needed. After I associated the back without all the rest...
Second you have to make sure that the form title will be changed too...
For that edit around line 198 the following line:
$xoopsMailer->setSubject(sprintf(_LIAISE_MSG_SUBJECT, $myts->stripSlashesGPC($form->getVar('form_title'))));
and change it to:
$tagged_subject = $form->getVar('form_title');
$er = '~(.*?)[br](.*?)[/br](.*?)~sUi';
$tagless_subject = preg_replace($er, '\2', $tagged_subject);
$xoopsMailer->setSubject(sprintf(_LIAISE_MSG_SUBJECT, $myts->stripSlashesGPC($tagless_subject)));
the explanation is the same as previous but here you make sure the subject in the message is tagless too...
that's it!
I hope it can be usefull for anyone else!