O.k. This works (for me) in Firefox (Mac and PC) with a few themes that I have, in a *left* block. Puts the thumbs in the centre both vertically and horizontally. Basically just added a para tag to the anchor with a margin offset.
function initScrollerObjs() {
scroller1 = new scrollerObj(0,0,125,<{$block.wh}>,"center","holder");
<{foreach item=pic from=$block.pics}>
I also un-checked 'Show captions' in the template setup screen and changed the placeholder DIV back to it's original state:
<div style="height: <{$block.wh}>px; width: 100%"><div id="holder">div>
Best I can do I'm afraid (to be honest, I'm tempted to turn the bloody thing off!)
Third edit (sigh) It seems to work in a *right* block too, but unlike the left block which seems pretty much the same from theme to theme, in the right block it depends on the theme whether it works or not. Looks roughly right for example in phpkaos. Must be down to how the theme designer creates this column - DIVs or tables or both?. Also the scroller will invade the centre of the screen if you re-size the window, but this would happen anyway.
Sorry to say but, left block looks like a good place to put this!