Firefox Can Be Slow?
  • 2007/2/8 13:37

  • rlankford

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 158

  • Since: 2004/8/27

This is weird. I, like a lot of you, use the latest stable build of Firefox. I upgrade it whenever it prompts me to. I've noticed somewhat recently (past month or two), that my website (Intranet Portal) can be slow on some page draws. My server is a monster. I can connect to it and bring up CPU/Network usage while I'm browsing the site from my browser. Nothing I do even disrupts the site. The CPU may spike at 9% for a half second and the network may blip (less than a percent) for a second when I request a page.

In my browser, however, I might wait 7 or 8 seconds for the page to draw! This is very annoying. What's worse, is that it isn't consistent. Some (most?) times it draws a given page very quickly. Then, inexplicably, it'll pause for seconds at a time. The pages that draw slow aren't consistent. The same page will go from fast to slow and back again regularly (all the while the server isn't being taxed at all).

So then I turned on inline debug mode and looked at the page draw times. At no point do the timers ever add up to anything larger than a half second on even my most complicated page draws! So, half a second gets used on the server, and I wait 7 or 8 seconds at the client for the page to draw -- but only sometimes!

So I fired up IE7 -- and I can't get the slow draw to happen at all. I hate IE. I don't want to have to use IE. I also don't think I ever had this problem until a recent Firefox release.

My XOOPS is 2.0.16. Has anyone else noticed anything like this???

Re: Firefox Can Be Slow?
  • 2007/2/8 13:48

  • carnuke

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1955

  • Since: 2003/11/5

When I tried IE7 on my site and many others, I laughed at the absurd performance of this browser. Despite the new (plagiarized from Mozilla) tab system, I would never dream of using this resource guzzler. Firefox still wins hands down and smoking a long cigar ...

I would check your browser cache settings, also are you using scripts that need a firefox plugin?

Make sure your modules are well cached wherever possible and optimise your images if required.
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Re: Firefox Can Be Slow?
  • 2007/2/8 14:13

  • rabideau

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1042

  • Since: 2003/4/25

Hi Robert,

Your site looks just fine from my end on Firefox... fast, crisp, and full of cute kids.

Like Richard, I'd guess you've got some sort of local setting issue. Check your firewall to see if it is set different for each browser. You might also try Opera and regular Mozilla to see if you get different results. If Mozilla works faster than FF, you can be pretty certain it's your FireFox setup.

If you just want to assume its the FF settings, you can always unistall and reinstall FF to see if that fixes things.
Pax vobiscum,

may the road rise to meet your feet!


Re: Firefox Can Be Slow?
  • 2007/2/9 0:03

  • rlankford

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 158

  • Since: 2004/8/27

Thanks for the replies. The site in question, however, is my intranet portal at work, not LankfordFamily.com.

One other thing, how do you get an avatar on Xoops.org?

Re: Firefox Can Be Slow?
  • 2007/2/9 0:11

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4843

  • Since: 2003/5/26

Avatars have been disabled on this site at the moment.

However, they should return in the near future


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