Content 0.5 comes with the FCKeditor WYSIWYG editor. By default, the 'default' FCKeditor toolbar set is loaded. If you want to create your own custom toolbar, here's what to do...
1) Open the folder 'content/admin/fckeditor'.
2) Make a backup of 'fckconfig.js'.
3) Open 'fckconfig.js' in a text editor.
4) Copy the default tool bar definition (shown below):
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Default"] = [
['FontName', 'FontSize']
] ;
and paste the copy directly below the default definition. (Take care not to chop off any code!)
5) Edit the first line of the pasted version and rename it:
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["MyToolbar"] = [
6) Add or remove any tools from your new toolbarset. For example, I change 'FontSize' to 'FontFormat' so users can apply heading and paragraph tags. The '-' is a spacer. Be sure not to leave a trailing ',' after the last tool in a row.
7) Save the file.
8) Next, make a backup of 'fckeditor.php' (it's in the same folder).
9) Open 'fckeditor.php' in a text editor.
10) In the function at around line 32, change the toolbarset value:
function FCKeditor( $instanceName )
$this->InstanceName = $instanceName ;
$this->BasePath = '/FCKeditor/' ;
$this->Width = '100%' ;
$this->Height = '200' ;
[color=ff0000]$this->ToolbarSet = 'MyToolbar' ;[/color]
$this->Value = '' ;
$this->Config = array() ;
11) Save the file.
Please note that if you preview this in Firefox, the cache will result in a JavaScript error saying 'The toolbarset 'MyToolbar' does not exist. Close and re-start Firefox to see the changes.
This may work for other modules too. If someone knows a variation perhaps they can post in this thread.
A thread is for life. Not just for Christmas.