I was wondering if it is possible to make a custom popup for the images but instead of filling the width and height fully regarding the popup. There could be html to hold other content above and below.
A bit like using something along these lines using document.write
from this website function dirtypop()
var generator=window.open('','name','height=600,width='960');
generator.document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">');
generator.document.write('<p>This page was generated by
the main window.p>');
generator.document.write('<p><a href="javascript:self.close()">
Closea> the popup.p>');
I had a try the other day there but had no luck trying to use <{$photo.ahref_photo}> in the normal popup code I got as close as 2 popups but no html.
The normal popup code is below and I'm not even sure if it's possible with myalbum.
<a href="<{$photo.ahref_photo}>" target="_blank" onClick="window.open('<{$photo.ahref_photo}>','','width=<{$photo.window_x}>,height=<{$photo.window_y}>,scrollbars,');return(false);">
<img src="<{$photo.imgsrc_photo}>" border="0" align="center" vspace="3" hspace="7" alt="<{$photo.title}>" title="<{$photo.title}>" <{$photo.width_height}> />a>div>
Any help trying to piece this together would be great.