Has somebody got better docs on how to use the module, particularly the to do with the additional fields more examples of exactly how to use all this stuff would help I'm not fully understanding some the options and how to use them
things like how to use "prop=string" for instance and others I want to be able to ask for how many and then provide that many fields for instance.
I'm trying to do a flexible option tagging thing for my club with this thanks for any help.................
line ::= ["!"]item-name["*"][,type[,argument...]]
type ::= {text|checkbox|radio|textarea|select|hidden}
argument ::= [value ["+"] "="] label
* "!" means the item is displayed to the public.
Additionally, form top of line marked "!" - reservation list is displayed. If there is no "!" marked items, the list is not displayed.
* "*" means you need input something.
* "#" is a message in the FORM (displayed comments).
* "," is a delimiter. Include part of strings, using escape in "\".
* value equivalent label when it suppressed.
* "+" Selected items (checkbox, radio, select) default value.
* Other arguments to be default value in text items(text, textarea).
* A part of argument makes attribute in inputs (text: "size=n", textarea: "cols=n" "rows=n").
* Using "prop=string" argument, makes any attributes in input.