Converting xoops 2.2.4 to 2.0.x questions
  • 2006/12/18 18:10

  • Rhomal

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 274

  • Since: 2004/10/5

I had a 2.2.4a setup on apache 2.x, php4, MySQL 4.2 on a windows 2000 server. I upgraded my server to windows SBS 2003 and decided to use IIS.

I thus did a fresh 2.0.15 install on php5, MySQL 5. Took some tweaking on permissions to install but now site it up and working.

My question is how feasible is it to move over the database tables from my old site to retain the data that exists in them?

For exmaple one of the modules I used on the old site is smartsection. If I install it fresh then copy over the database files from my old site to new should it work?

I am using mainly the modules news 1.3, CBB, dokuwiki, smartfaq and smartsection. Should I beable to move those tables over as well?

If this is not a procedure that will work what do you suggest to retain my data? This site has been up for 2+ yrs and there no way I can manually port over all the data that has been added to the site in that time.

thanks, any help appreciated.

Re: Converting xoops 2.2.4 to 2.0.x questions
  • 2006/12/19 4:27

  • Rhomal

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 274

  • Since: 2004/10/5

Interesting side issue, I dropped several of the modules into the module folder but they don't appear in 2.0.16 via the admin menu??

Something I am missing?

Re: Converting xoops 2.2.4 to 2.0.x questions
  • 2006/12/19 5:21

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

i dont recommend you upgrade from 2.2+ series to 2.0
if you have any problem with 2.2.4 you can use 2.2.5 RC2 which is a bug fix for 2.2.4.

but anyway this is a good tutorial to do that.
[Tutorial] How to downgrade 2.2.3/4 to 2.0.14

Re: Converting xoops 2.2.4 to 2.0.x questions
  • 2006/12/19 13:01

  • Rhomal

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 274

  • Since: 2004/10/5

Thank you for the reply. :)

Well after some troubleshooting this is what seems to be the issue.

I downloaded the latest myalbum-p and that was in the modules folder. After I removed it all the other modules more or less appeared in the modules admin menu for install. Any idea why that is?

When I installed php5 I did not turn globals on, is that the prob? some of these modules still require it on?

Also the new ver of the 2.2.x branch you mentioned, did they make it php5 compatible? As when I upgraded to server2003 I installed php5 not php4 as I had on my old server2000.

Thanks again for any help.

Re: Converting xoops 2.2.4 to 2.0.x questions
  • 2006/12/19 20:52

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

did they make it php5 compatible?

Yes 2.2.5 and also 2.2.4 both are php5 compatible

Re: Converting xoops 2.2.4 to 2.0.x questions
  • 2006/12/20 22:20

  • Rhomal

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 274

  • Since: 2004/10/5

Well thats very odd. As the fresh 2.0.16 install I did works fine on php5. However when I tried to reinstall my 2.2.4a site all I got was a blank screen even when going to the admin menu so I couldn't even turn on debug to see what the issue is.

Any suggestions?

Re: Converting xoops 2.2.4 to 2.0.x questions
  • 2006/12/20 23:00

  • wizanda

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1585

  • Since: 2004/3/21

I have on my home computer for testing XOOPS 2.0.16 + 2.2.5rc2 both work....Running WAMP with PHP 5...

So it may be more how you try and transfer the data, or MySql Config like register globals ect....

With any large transfer, and for major changes between two versions of Xoops.....you can take all information for each module individually as MySQL with drop table...

Reinstall the system first as blank, install the modules…

Then drop the blank module information for each module and replace it with the data....

That way XOOPS configures its self for the new setting, also refreshes all counts...which is good since MySql works sequentially each time we add or remove anything...

Then you keep all data in fresh install of Xoops, that you can test as you go along….to find were the conflict might be.

Re: Converting xoops 2.2.4 to 2.0.x questions
  • 2006/12/21 17:49

  • Rhomal

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 274

  • Since: 2004/10/5

Seems part of my problems were due to not having globals on in php5. I was under the impression it was no longer needed. None the less, most of the modules are appearing properly in the module admin add/remove menu now.

However CBB 3.07 is giving me a issue. On the module install menu it is giving me the error: Module File for newbb Not Found!

And yes the proper newbb folder is in the modules folder, it is not buried in a sub folder. heh.

also the poll module that I used in 2.2.4 does NOT install (states some function, sorry didn't write it down, is not supported anymore).

all the smart modules, wf-downloads, news 1.51 and wf-links all seemed to install/work fine so far.

So I guess is there any fix for this cbb issue and what are 2.0.16 ppl using for a poll module?

Re: Converting xoops 2.2.4 to 2.0.x questions
  • 2006/12/21 19:03

  • wizanda

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1585

  • Since: 2004/3/21

My site is running 2.2.5rc2 and before was running 2.0.15 with XOOPS polls
Not on PHP 5 on web-site, yet on home worked fine with PHP 5; I think (didn't do lots of tests), yet installed the ajax version (which is the same old version), so should work.....

Re: Converting xoops 2.2.4 to 2.0.x questions
  • 2006/12/26 17:19

  • Rhomal

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 274

  • Since: 2004/10/5

Well after much testing and uninstalling/re-installing I got the site working (and upgraded from 2.2.4a to 2.2.5).

However, it was a nightmare getting XOOPS to talk to PHP to talk to ODBC to talk to MySQL to play nice with IIS6. I finally gave up and moved the site back over to apache 2.x

And got it up and running in 10 mins.

So I am not sure what the issue is but I do not understand why getting IIS to work with XOOPS is so much more difficult then apache. I am inclided to say XOOPS isn't as 'platform independent' as said as it seems to have a apache preference.

Again, it makes little sense why I was fighting with it for almost 2 weeks to work on IIS yet in a few mins got it up again on apache. Perhaps there is a 'trick' to get it to play nice with IIS that just isn't in any docs that I found.

I am not too sure what to say at this point as it is very odd.

I's love to just dump apache and go strait MS server but it does not seem thats possible. I even installed a fresh copy of XOOPS 2.0.16 for kicks on IIS to see what would happen and many modules did not work such as the newest CBB, member module and PM module to name a few.

So I do not think the issue is limited to my trying to port over a 2.2.4 install. As issues were abound by either 2.2.4 or 2.0.16


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