Different templates for different pages....

For a brief moment recently, when I thought XOOPS didn't have a solution for me, I started checking out MODx per one users recommendation on here.

Even though I was a bit overwhelmed with MODx, one thing I liked was the ability to setup each page to use a different template. So let's say you have 5 articles covering different areas, you could give each article its own template, each having a different look to it.

Not sure it would be easy the way XOOPS is setup, but I think it would be cool to see.

Just sharing a thought!

Re: Different templates for different pages....
  • 2006/11/7 12:23

  • Barthez

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 11

  • Since: 2006/7/26

I think you can do it yourself easy.
You must developp such a module by adding a "template" collum in a DB table.

For example starting frow the "news" module you can
- contruct différentes templates based on the news_article.html template.
- add a "template" collum in the table stories.
- add in the \class\xoopsstory.php the "template" attribut
- add the html code to manage your template in news\include\storyform.inc.php
- in the modules\news\article.php file change
$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'news_article.html';
by a
$xoopsOption['template_main'] = $article->getTemplate();

Hope that helps


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