How do I get translations in the system module to work.
I have the following defined in the modules/system/language/swedish/modinfo.php file:
define("_MI_SYSTEM_BNAME3","Logga in");^M
define("_MI_SYSTEM_BNAME5","Väntande innehåll");^M
define('_MI_SYSTEM_BNAME8', "Vem är online?");^M
define('_MI_SYSTEM_BNAME9', "Flitigaste inläggsskrivare");^M
define('_MI_SYSTEM_BNAME10', "Nya medlemmar");^M
define('_MI_SYSTEM_BNAME11', "Nya kommentarer");^M
But I still get "Main Menu" and "User Menu". I have also tried to change the english language files to see if they behave different, but they did not. As far as I can see . the text string "Main Menu" only is defined in modules/system/language/"$LANGUAGE"/modinfo.php.
I have tried to rebuild the system module from the admin menu.
Some data from my system:
xoops version: xoops-2.0.15
phpversion: php4
mysql: Ver 5.0.24a-Debian_4-log for unknown-linux-gnu on powerpc
os: Linux macen 2.6.8-powerpc #1 Fri May 20 10:37:45 JST 2005 ppc GNU/Linux