For the benefit of others, (if ever someone actually uses the search feature,
I personally usually install XOOPS in it's own folder. The reason behind this is to keep things tidy. FOr example if you install the base files in the root of your hosting then want to add another script, it will find itself mixed in with the XOOPS folders. Can get to be a pain to update while making sure you don,t affect other scripts.
So, in that light, install XOOPS in it's own folder. You can use any name. Then create an Index.php file to put in the root of your webspace redirecting users to the XOOPS folder when accessing the base URL.
header("Location: /yourxoopsfoldername/");
I use this in all my sites in my sig.
GDL-Web.com :: Website development.
Xoopslance.com::Freelancing and Projects
thelionsden-arena.net:: Clan/League/Ladder Hosting