I face some problem with some theme it shows some error code at the bottom of my page.
Notice [PHP]: Object of class XoopsUser could not be converted to int in file class/theme.php line 442
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/blockinstance.php line 111
What is this.....how I able to remove that code.
XOOPS Version:2.2.3a-Final
PHP Version:5.1.5
MySQL Version:5.0.24-standard
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other):Apache
Operating System:Linux
Theme generate that anoying code:1dd06,4thefort,7dana-clean,7dana-rose,aqua-um,bubble-gum,geomatric-red
Theme not generate the code:blue_shine
Custom template: no
PHP Debug Messages:not any
MySQL Debug Messages:not any
Smarty Debug Messages:not any
A full description of the issue:Theme generate some notice code at the bottom of the page.