I'm having issues with a few of the shopping carts. I am looking for one that has the similar layout of the osCommerce ones.
Issue 1:
If i install the osCommerce (Xosc) MS2.2, everything goes great. But i can't get rid of the default page. So when i click on shop link from the main menu, it says, "This is the default page, yadda yadda yadda." I'm not sure how to get rid of this. And it looks as the xoopsshop site is down.
Also with this module, in the control panel for it, the minimum value isn't working. IT gives me a 500 error.
Which leads me to my second issue.
I installd the Xosc version 0.2. I downloaded it and uploaded it to the server. Everything there seems fine. However when i go to install the module, i get the following error:
Premature end of script headers: admin.php | (null) , referer: http://sitetesting.awardspace.com/modules/system/admin.php?fct=modulesadmin&op=install&module=osC
I have uploaded most of the other shopping carts. The layout of the osCommerce is exactly what i'm looking for. I just can't them to install properly or work.
Currently, the only other shopping cart i haven't tried, but am uploading is the Zen Cart.
Does anyone have either version of the osCommerce cart installed and working properly? IF so, mind given me some insite on this?
Thank you!