I have copied several different loop options from XOOPS core files, and a few were successful and now I have one that I can't get to display. Any help would be appreciated... Here is the info.
Source from php file:
$fullcountresult=$xoopsDB->query("select count(*) from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("xteams_sponsors")." where lid=$lid ");
list($s_numrows) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($fullcountresult);
// $getsponsors = "select * from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("xteams_sponsors")." where lid=$lid order by sort ASC";
$getsponsors=$xoopsDB->query("select lid, sid, name, website, address, zip, city, state, country, phone, email, info, sort, logourl from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("xteams_sponsors")." where lid=$lid ORDER BY sort");
// $result=$xoopsDB->query($getsponsors);
while(list($s_lid,$s_sid,$s_name,$s_website,$s_address,$s_zip,$s_city,$s_state,$s_country,$s_phone,$s_email,$s_info,$s_sort,$s_logourl) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($getsponsors))
$xoopsTpl->assign('x',array('s_lid' => $s_lid,'s_sid' => $s_sid,'s_sponsor' => $s_name,'s_website' => $myts->makeTboxData4Show($s_website),'s_logourl' =>$s_logourl,'s_numrows' => $s_numrows));
The above code is similar to another setup I copied from a core XOOPS page and works fine.
Here is the template code with the loop information:
<{section name=i loop=$x}>
Where did I go wrong? Nothing but the breakreturn shows up.