Do you know how to put up a blank module?
If not read here
https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=51160&forum=27&post_id=225708#forumpost225708I'm so glad I found this section because I can put up as much models as I want
Let me explain you what I do and tell me what you think :P
Basically my website is "Get paid to complete offers" website
To the offers page only a registerd user can get it, okay so far? okay!
Suppose I put in the offers page 10 offers - every registered user can see all the 10 offers
When a user completes an offer I put him into a group of users who can only see 9 offers - it's a lot, a lot alot of work to do - but it's the best!
That's way you monitor your users, they can't click on an offer more than once (and let them open another registered user, lol, I have IP checker and more, I know if it comes from the same computer or not, and some1 cheating will be banned :P)
What do u say?
do it urself!
put up many modules, and connect them to the relevant groups - it would work gr8 man! :)