I ran into a problem on my post-upgrade to version that points out that there is still something about the upgrade process I don't understand.
I have a cloned template set that I use on my site. I noticed a few days ago that I could no longer register or unregister requests for notifications (like a request to be notified of a post to a forum).
I traced it to a call to $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check() returning "true" and redirecting the page before doing an update. This happens in notification_update.php.
Ultimately, the problem turned out to be that the system_notification_select.html template was changed as part of the upgrade to include a hidden field:
<input type="hidden" name="XOOPS_TOKEN_REQUEST" value="<{php}>echo $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->createToken();<{/php}>" />
For some reason (and it may well be by design - here's where my ignorance comes in) these changes were not propagated to my clone set. I copied the template in question over to my clone set and now all is right as rain, but this has me concerned there may be other differences in other templates that didn't make it over.
Did I miss another step? I reviewed your tutorial yet again and I did everything there including generating the missing templates in my cloned set.
What did I miss?