Am getting this when i try to add a new category in downloads mod
Notice: Constant _MI_PDD_BLOCKADMIN already defined in file /modules/PDdownloads/language/english/modinfo.php line 38
Error: Database Access Error: Please report this error to the PDSection Website:
INSERT INTO ld_PDdownloads_cat (cid, pid, title, imgurl, description, nohtml, nosmiley, noxcodes, noimages, nobreak, weight, spotlighttop, spotlighthis) VALUES ('', 0, 'Music Album\'s', '', 'Music', '', '1', '1', '', '1', '0', 0, 0) in file /modules/PDdownloads/admin/category.php line 301
Using latest MySQL and PHP on IIS6 win2k3
Module is PD Downloads v1.2