Deleted files in template_c, now I can't login to my website

I have looked through the Q&A and the supports forums and followed the advice of one posting which is how I ended up deleting the contents of my template_c folder. Now no links work on my site and I can't login to try to fix.

My main issue now is, how do I login to my website when none of the links work. If I try to login, I do get the page saying, "thank you for login in, if you do not get redirected, please click here". However it just returns to the homepage, without having logged me in. No user information is displayed and it's as if nothing happened.

also, not one link works on the website. If a link is clicked for the news, gallery, forum, and gallery modules, it always returns to the homepage.

What I did that caused this is that I deleted everything that was in the template_c folder except the index.html page. Is there a file that is installed in the template_c folder by each module of a XOOPS site?

Please help! I have looked through the forums and Q&A pages and I am about to pull my hair out because I can't find anything to address this specific problem.


Re: Deleted files in template_c, now I can't login to my website
  • 2006/5/30 5:04

  • Anonymous

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  • Since:

Check to make sure the template_c folder is writeable.

Re: Deleted files in template_c, now I can't login to my website

Hello Juliette.

Both the template_c folder and the index.html file that resides in it are writeable by owner. There are now other files in this folder such as:

Thank you for taking the time to read my posting. I greatly appreciate it!


Re: Deleted files in template_c, now I can't login to my website

Does anyone have advise? Thank you in advance.



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