Hi.. i have a estatic width layout and have notice that, in the forums, if u paste large phrases without an enter you force the layout to have more pixel width and the images in the header seems to be destroyed with spaces.
i tried to install a phpbb hack that i used into another webpage and works fine but with smarty seems not to work at all.
The hack is a javascript and special tags in the variables that content the data you want to fix to an certain width.
The js code is like this:
* mw3.js
* -------------------
* begin : Saturday, Jan 19, 2005
* copyright : (c) 2005 by spooky2280 - Christian Fecteau
* email : webmaster@christianfecteau.com
* $Id: mw3.js, v 1.0.0 2005/02/14 spooky2280 $
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
mw3 (Prevent Any Layout From Being Broken) 1.0.0
A phpBB MOD originally created by Christian Fecteau.
Credits must be given with my full name (Christian Fecteau)
and a link to my portfolio: http://portfolio.christianfecteau.com/
Removal or alteration of this notice is strongly prohibited.
// don't change anything below
function mw3_viewtopic()
// let's make sure that there are posts in this page
mw3_post = document.getElementsByTagName('mwthree');
if (mw3_post && mw3_post.length && (mw3_post.length > 0))
mw3_stop_trying = 0;
function mw3_wait()
// we need the clientWidth to be set on TDs or DIVs before running the main function
if (mw3_stop_trying > 100)
// 10 seconds after the page loaded
if (mw3_debug) { alert("No clientWidth seems to be available for TDs or DIVs"); }
mw3_cw = 0;
mw3_div = document.getElementsByTagName("DIV");
mw3_tds = document.getElementsByTagName("TD");
// we'll check what the document has the more: DIVs or TDs
if (mw3_div.length < mw3_tds.length)
for (var mw3_i = 0; mw3_i < mw3_tds.length; mw3_i++)
if (mw3_tds[mw3_i].clientWidth)
mw3_cw += mw3_tds[mw3_i].clientWidth;
for (var mw3_i = 0; mw3_i < mw3_div.length; mw3_i++)
if (mw3_div[mw3_i].clientWidth)
mw3_cw += mw3_div[mw3_i].clientWidth;
if (mw3_cw == 0)
mw3_cw = mw3_div = mw3_tds = null;
function mw3_go()
// alright let's start...
// get containers of posts, store them in array, and do checks for possible MOD failing
mw3_posts = [] // this array will hold the containers of the posts whether they're DIVs, TDs, etc.
for (var mw3_i = 0; mw3_i < mw3_post.length; mw3_i++)
// crawl up to container
var mw3_parent_block = mw3_post[mw3_i];
while (!mw3_parent_block.clientWidth || (mw3_parent_block.clientWidth == 0))
mw3_parent_block = mw3_parent_block.parentNode;
if (mw3_parent_block == document.body)
if (mw3_debug) { alert("We reached the top, the MOD won't work."); }
// Opera returns a clientWidth higher than 0 for inline elements
// and style.display always returns an empty string unless specified by CSS.
// For the moment, we'll check only for SPAN elements,
// but they're could be other inline elements before the block container
if ( window.opera &&
(mw3_parent_block.nodeName == 'SPAN') &&
(mw3_parent_block.style.display != 'block') )
mw3_parent_block = mw3_parent_block.parentNode;
// we got a container, let's make sure that there is only one post in it
var mw3_check = mw3_parent_block.getElementsByTagName('mwthree');
if (!mw3_check || (mw3_check && (mw3_check.length != 1)))
if (mw3_debug) { alert("There is 0 or more than 1 post in the container, the MOD won't work."); }
// this container seems valid, let's store it in array
mw3_posts[mw3_i] = mw3_parent_block;
// let's double check: is it the same container as the previous one?
if (mw3_i > 0)
if (mw3_posts[mw3_i] == mw3_posts[mw3_i-1])
if (mw3_debug) { alert("Same parent twice, the MOD won't work."); }
// Move each post into a new DIV container and the new DIV into the original container
for (var mw3_i = 0; mw3_i < mw3_posts.length; mw3_i++)
var mw3_container = document.createElement("DIV");
// IE has a better overflow property than the W3C one
window.showModelessDialog ? mw3_container.style.overflowX = 'auto' : mw3_container.style.overflow = 'auto';
mw3_container.style.visibility = 'hidden';
mw3_container.style.width = '100px';
mw3_container.style.height = '100px';
// move post into DIV
while (mw3_posts[mw3_i].hasChildNodes())
// put DIV into container
// we'll wait till the clientWidth is stable.
mw3_cw = []
function mw3_wait_reflow()
for (var mw3_i = 0; mw3_i < mw3_posts.length; mw3_i++)
mw3_cw[mw3_i] = mw3_posts[mw3_i].clientWidth;
function mw3_check_cw()
for (var mw3_i = 0; mw3_i < mw3_posts.length; mw3_i++)
if (mw3_cw[mw3_i] != mw3_posts[mw3_i].clientWidth)
function mw3_resize_div()
// the layout has now its natural width let's check what it is, loop through each post, and resize
for (var mw3_i = 0; mw3_i < mw3_posts.length; mw3_i++)
mw3_container = mw3_posts[mw3_i].firstChild; // mw3_container is the new DIV
if (window.showModelessDialog) // IE needs a different processing.
mw3_container.style.margin = '0% -150% 0% 0%'; // IE needs a negative right margin
// rise up the content of the post so the horizontal scrollbar won't hide its bottom (20px)
mw3_container.style.padding = '0px 5px 20px 0px';
// give to the new DIV the current (and now normal) width of the original container
mw3_container.style.width = mw3_posts[mw3_i].clientWidth + 'px';
else if (!window.opera && !document.all) // Gecko, Safari, etc.
// rise up the content of the post so the horizontal scrollbar won't hide its bottom (3px)
mw3_container.style.padding = '0px 0px 3px 0px';
// give to the new DIV the current (and now normal) width of the original container
// Gecko needs a little less than the parent width (* 0.99)
mw3_container.style.width = (mw3_posts[mw3_i].clientWidth * 0.99) + 'px';
else // Opera only I think
mw3_container.style.padding = '0px 0px 3px 0px';
mw3_container.style.width = mw3_posts[mw3_i].clientWidth + 'px';
mw3_container.style.height = 'auto';
// function to resize images within posts
function mw3_rmw_go()
if (!window.opera)
// let's create a dummy object for the not yet existing popup
mw3_rmw_pop = new Object();
mw3_rmw_pop.closed = true;
// we need to close the popup onunload of the page for access permission (browser security)
mw3_old_onunload = null;
if (typeof window.onunload == "function")
mw3_old_onunload = window.onunload;
window.onunload = function()
// run the aliens onunload
if (mw3_old_onunload)
mw3_old_onunload = null;
if (!mw3_rmw_pop.closed) { mw3_rmw_pop.close(); }
mw3_rmw_pop_options = 'top=0,left=0,width=' + String(window.screen.width-80) + ',height=' + String(window.screen.height-190) + ',scrollbars=1,resizable=1';
for (var mw3_i = 0; mw3_i < mw3_posts.length; mw3_i++)
mw3_rmw_imgs = mw3_posts[mw3_i].getElementsByTagName("IMG");
for (var mw3_j = 0; mw3_j < mw3_rmw_imgs.length; mw3_j++)
mw3_rmw_img = mw3_rmw_imgs[mw3_j];
// do we resize it? Let'see if the image is larger than the DIV width
if ( mw3_rmw_img.width &&
!isNaN(mw3_rmw_img.width) &&
(mw3_posts[mw3_i].firstChild).clientWidth &&
!isNaN((mw3_posts[mw3_i].firstChild).clientWidth) &&
(mw3_rmw_img.width > Math.floor(((mw3_posts[mw3_i].firstChild).clientWidth * 0.9)) ) )
// yes we do resize...
mw3_rmw_img.style.width = Math.floor(((mw3_posts[mw3_i].firstChild).clientWidth * 0.9)) + 'px';
// if we are in the Topic Review iframe, we don't make anything
// popable because of iframes security restrictions
if (window.topr) { continue mw3_loop_j; }
// make the popup onclick
if (!window.opera)
mw3_rmw_img.onclick = function()
if (!mw3_rmw_pop.closed) { mw3_rmw_pop.close(); }
mw3_rmw_pop = window.open('about:blank','christianfecteaudotcom',mw3_rmw_pop_options);
mw3_rmw_pop.location.href = this.src;
mw3_rmw_img.onclick = function()
mw3_rmw_pop = window.open(this.src,'christianfecteaudotcom',mw3_rmw_pop_options);
document.all ? mw3_rmw_img.style.cursor = 'hand' : mw3_rmw_img.style.cursor = 'pointer';
mw3_rmw_img.title = mw3_rmw_img.src;
function mw3_adjust()
// some adjustments if overflow was not required for a particular post, so reloop!
for (var mw3_i = 0; mw3_i < mw3_posts.length; mw3_i++)
mw3_container = mw3_posts[mw3_i].firstChild; // mw3_container is the new DIV
if (window.showModelessDialog) // IE needs a different processing
// if there is no overflow for that post, remove the padding
if ((mw3_container.scrollWidth - mw3_container.clientWidth) == 0)
mw3_container.style.padding = '0px 0px 0px 0px';
else if (!window.topr)
mw3_container.ondblclick = function()
if (!mw3_rmw_pop.closed) { mw3_rmw_pop.close(); }
mw3_rmw_pop = window.open('about:blank','christianfecteaudotcom',mw3_rmw_pop_options);
if (document.fireEvent)
mw3_rmw_pop.document.body.innerHTML = ''
+ eval("this.innerHTML.replace(//gi,'')") + ' ';
mw3_rmw_pop.document.body.innerHTML = '' + this.innerHTML + '
mw3_container.style.cursor = 'crosshair';
else if (!window.opera && !document.all) // Gecko, Safari, etc
// if there is no overflow for that post, set back the overflow to 'visible'
// because Gecko sometimes puts a useless vertical scrollbar otherwise
if ((mw3_container.scrollWidth - mw3_container.clientWidth) == 0)
mw3_container.style.overflow = 'visible';
mw3_container.style.padding = '0px 0px 0px 0px';
else if (!window.topr)
mw3_container.ondblclick = function()
if (!mw3_rmw_pop.closed) { mw3_rmw_pop.close(); }
mw3_rmw_pop = window.open('about:blank','christianfecteaudotcom',mw3_rmw_pop_options);
mw3_this = eval("this.innerHTML.replace(//gi,'')");
window.setTimeout('mw3_rmw_pop.document.body.innerHTML = mw3_this',100);
mw3_container.style.cursor = 'crosshair';
else // Opera only I think
if (mw3_container.scrollWidth <= mw3_container.clientWidth)
mw3_container.style.overflow = 'visible';
mw3_container.style.padding = '0px 0px 0px 0px';
else if (!window.topr)
mw3_container.ondblclick = function()
mw3_rmw_pop = window.open('about:blank','christianfecteaudotcom',mw3_rmw_pop_options);
mw3_container.style.cursor = 'crosshair';
mw3_container.style.visibility = 'visible';
// let's check that we can run the MOD and... go!!!
if ( document.getElementsByTagName &&
document.createElement &&
document.body.clientWidth &&
(window.screen.width >= 800) )
mw3_debug = true; // output alerts on error
mw3_old_onload = null;
if (typeof window.onload == "function")
mw3_old_onload = window.onload;
window.onload = function()
// run the aliens onload
if (mw3_old_onload)
mw3_old_onload = null;
Then i put this code before the variable that contents the post
<mwthree style="display:none">mwthree>
but nothing happens..
the js catch the mwthree tags and try to set to a given td or div width, mine is like this in template
td colspan="2" class="odd" width="500px">
<div class="comText"> <mwthree style="display:none">mwthree><{$topic_post.post_text}>div>
any help will be apreciated
ta in advance