I just checked the smarty site and it looks like their codes do accept functions (I'd be surprised if they didn't).
Try this code in your system_block_mainmenu.html file, it is in your system templates (remember to clone from the default set or you will not be able to edit it).
<table cellspacing="0">
<td id="mainmenu">
<a class="menuTop" href="<{$xoops_url}>/"><{$block.lang_home}>a>
<{foreach item=module from=$block.modules}>
<{if $module.name == '' }>
<a class="menuMain" href="" target="_blank"><{$module.name}>a>
<a class="menuMain" href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/<{$module.directory}>/"><{$module.name}>a>
<{foreach item=sublink from=$module.sublinks}>
<a class="menuSub" href="<{$sublink.url}>"><{$sublink.name}>a>
Let us know how you get on.