I am using 2.2.4
The Comments Display Mode profile field from the system module is not showing up correctly on the edit profile page. nothing at all shows up in the select box.
When I looked in the user_profile_field table it looked like for that field, the field_options for that field were messed up. Instead of bieng in a format which looked serialized such as:
a:2:{i:0;s:12:"Oldest First";i:1;s:12:"Newest First";}
They were in a comma separated format like:
Nested, Flat, Threaded
In other words, they were not in serialized object format.
The only difference between I see that could be causing this is that in xoops_version for system we have:
$modversion['profile']['field'][1]['options'] = array('nest'=>_NESTED, 'flat'=>_FLAT, 'thread'=>_THREADED);
this array has indexes that are words, not numbers like the other indexes I have seen for profile field options. That's the only possible cause i can come up with.
Any one else having this problem?