This is a quick announce, as it was not forseen next week (or so).
I'm proud to announce a new cms has been born :
It's obvious things were running slower and slower for Xoops. And I believe time has come to act. That's the reason why, with some members of the Xoops-France core team we have decided to create our own fork : Belgian Object Oriented Portal System.
Why Boops, then? Why Belgium (I agree it may sounds stupid, but not more than Xoops, and its endless hypothetical release announces, if you want my opinion) ?
Why not should I say. Belgium is the mere exemple of people coming from different culture, traditions, languages around the same great project: Wallon, flemish, german speaking persons, bruxellers... We are a small country, but we have a cohesion in our choises.
The ultimate drop, was the permanent censorship I have been victim from Christian, our Frenc speaking community team leader. For instance (so that you may undertand), my article on the meeting in france was deeply censored and edited by him, because I was quite sceptical regarding the new XOOPS version... And I'm not talking about the whole documentation I was working on, and which has finally never been released. Sorry Christian, but this has to be stopped.
So now, it's time to go ahead. I invite you all to discover our brand new support website and download
a first version of the core files. (Beware, this is still a test version, not to be used on a production site ! ! !).
Xoops is dead, long live to Boops !