I have log the errors because the XoopsErrorHandler_Shutdown do an "echo" witch can be intercept by the browser in case of ajax architecture.
Dowload the pear log package :
http://pear.php.net/package/Log/And code in ..\class\errorhandler.php file the folowing code
function XoopsErrorHandler_Shutdown() {
$error_handler =& XoopsErrorHandler::getInstance();
require XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/Log.php'; // the pear log
$conf = array('mode' => 0600, 'timeFormat' => '%X %x');
$log_error = &Log::singleton('file', 'error.log', 'ident', $conf);
// echo $error_handler->renderErrors();
instead of
function XoopsErrorHandler_Shutdown()
$error_handler =& XoopsErrorHandler::getInstance();
echo $error_handler->renderErrors();
Hope that helps,