Hello, I have site with WINDOWS-1251 encoding and i want to have rss news to it. The problem is that the RSS charset is hardcoded to UTF-8. I changed the header with to WINDOWS-1251 in the system_rss.html and for the news news_rss.html. Also backend.php and backednt.php in news, nothing helped. As I see the UTF-8 encoding is hardcoded there:
$tpl->assign('channel_title', xoops_utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($xoopsConfig['sitename'], ENT_QUOTES)));
$tpl->assign('channel_link', XOOPS_URL.'/');
$tpl->assign('channel_desc', xoops_utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($xoopsConfig['slogan'], ENT_QUOTES)));
$tpl->append('items', array('title' => xoops_utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($story->title(), ENT_QUOTES)), 'link' => XOOPS_URL.'/modules/news/article.php?storyid='.$story->storyid(), 'guid' =>
Someone with ideas ?