Greetings to all XOOPS module developers.
I'd like to announce a sneak preview of
xProject, a XOOPS module that is aimed at module developers specifically and software development generally.
The key motivation behind the development of xProject is:
1. Collaborative software development.
2. Transparency in development. with xProject you can see all tickets, milestones and the roadmap as it evolves during software development lifecyles.
3. Donations! That is a large motivation for me. with xProject (once donations support is added) module developers will be able to assign a donation target against certain tickets, which can then produce milestone donation level targets.
4. Source control integration. I plan to integrate xProject with SubVersion, which when done will make one awesome CRM module for Xoops.
Please drop by the
xProject website and give the site a whirl.
If you do have any ideas then please register and create a wish ticket and give the site a whirl.
I plan to release this module when milestone 0.1 is reached. Keep an eye on the roadmap page for live progress.
Have fun and look foward to your ideas and suggestions.