OK I am setting up the word censor and I noticed the following condition
If you have say the word badword to be replaced with !DOH!
OK so the following lines:
The third instance the word filter does not pick up. It seems that XOOPS will only pick up the bad word if it is stand alone or the beginning of a new word. It will not pick it up if there is other text in front of it.
Why is this important to me/
Well our site we are fairly lenient about the words however we are trying to keep out F***, S***, and C***
Ok well that works fine but we want to make sure F*** derivatives are caught and the one that is not by this limitation is motherF***er.
i would like MotherF***er to become Mother!DOH!er. Call it my aesthetic opinion.
Ok well I looked at module.textsanitizer.php
and found this snippet:
* Replaces banned words in a string with their replacements
* @param string $text
* @return string
* @deprecated
function &censorString(&$text)
if (!isset($this->censorConf)) {
$config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
$this->censorConf =& $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF_CENSOR);
if ($this->censorConf['censor_enable'] == 1) {
$replacement = $this->censorConf['censor_replace'];
foreach ($this->censorConf['censor_words'] as $bad) {
if ( !empty($bad) ) {
$bad = quotemeta($bad);
$patterns[] = "/(s)".$bad."/siU";
$replacements[] = "\1".$replacement;
$patterns[] = "/^".$bad."/siU";
$replacements[] = $replacement;
$patterns[] = "/(n)".$bad."/siU";
$replacements[] = "\1".$replacement;
$patterns[] = "/]".$bad."/siU";
$replacements[] = "]".$replacement;
$text = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $text);
return $text;
So I guess my base question is what $patterns[] entry do I need to make to get this to function the way I want?
On a side note if I get this fixed I am also looking for a way to make my private forums excluded from the word filter yet keep the filter on all other content including the public forums?