[BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/1/30 14:03

  • solo71

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2003/1/29

Hello guys,

I need tester to break my brand new multiMenu 1.8 version:
>>> multiMenu 1.8 - dynamics <<<

After several community request, I have developped a fully integrated dynamic css and javascript options.

Here are the main changes:

1) Dynamic menus.

5 dynamic menus are now available in the bloc settings
1) Switch menu
2) Drop down vertical
3) Drop down horizontal
4) Tabs menu
5) Drag and drop.

Pay attention, there are only 1 sublink level. Not that all dynamic menus are compatible and are supposed to support each others (even with the same script). Dynamic menus may be displayed either on the left or on the right side (check options for this). Menus are compatible on both ie and firefox.

2) Addons
Possibility to create a PM link using specific tags in the menu title : {pm_new}, {pm_old} and {pm_total}.

3) Complet template revision.
Each and every menu templates have been revised for optimisation. The drop down and select box menus have been enhanced and now support categories division.

I have included a demo menu in this beta version. In the doc directory, you will find a word document explaining how to customise your own multiMenu using its smarty codes (in french at the moment).

Remember this is not definitive version to be used on a production site. Due to the creation of new templates, the update process may be a little bit more complex than usual (but possible, no worry).

You can have a demonstration on this demo site (in french) (multimenu / multimenu) - many thanks to blueteen.

The base discussion about this project has been held on Xoops-France's forums.

Comments and eventual bug reports are welcome.

Those who wish to include a multiMenu block in a theme, follow next intructions:

3 steps:

1) Edit the menu you want to include in your theme, and in settings, set "navbar" as title and left block as position.

2) Edit your theme's 'theme.html' file, and add the following code where you want your multiMenu to be set:
<{foreach item=block from=$xoops_lblocks}>
$block.title == "navbar"}>

3) Spot the, smarty code used to generate your left block columns and change it as following:

<{foreach item=block from=$xoops_lblocks}>

<{foreach item=block from=$xoops_lblocks}>
$block.title != "navbar"}>


- "navbar" is the term used to select wether the block is selected or not.

- The first code will display each and every blocks having "navbar" as title.

- The second code will display each and every blocks except those having "navbar" as title.

Have fun!

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/1/30 14:50

  • blueteen

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 379

  • Since: 2004/7/16

Hello !
To see "multiMenu's block included in a theme", you can choose "phpkaox's theme". (in the demo site)
Great work solo71 !

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/1/30 17:42

  • defwind77

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2005/11/11

great work Solo!

You've made my day! This is one of those features that XOOPS was laggin in - the gap is fast closing with module developers like yourself!

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/1/31 6:48

  • solo71

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2003/1/29


@Defwind: thx.

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/1/31 9:34

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4843

  • Since: 2003/5/26

I'll be playing with this very very soon as well

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/1 17:13

  • tzvook

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 875

  • Since: 2003/2/1 2

Hello Solo
menues @ Admin side with 600x800 resolution gets too wide table (at least with firefox 1.5), it don't even let you scroll left-right ...

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/1 21:17

  • solo71

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2003/1/29


tzvook wrote:
menues @ Admin side with 600x800 resolution gets too wide table (at least with firefox 1.5), it don't even let you scroll left-right ...

errr... Sorry, I don't get you. Which menus?

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/2 7:27

  • tzvook

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 875

  • Since: 2003/2/1 2

Sorry, was very tired ...

When you enter one of menues pages @ the admin, it's main content: ie - the table with the list of this menu links, is "breaking" the page with no option to even scroll to the sides - happaning @ firefox 1.5 @ 800X600 resolution.
happands in IE too, but in IE you can scroll to the sides.
xoops 2.2.4 + slightly modified default theme.

I looked at the code, but no clue for this "little" thing ....

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/2 9:04

  • defwind77

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2005/11/11

Hi Solo,

I've added your beta to a site - however I can't actually get any menus to appear - it all appeared to install fine and all the new options are there - I've positioned a menu topic as a 'permanent sublink' under another topic as I presume this is how you've categorised things, but nothing appears - the old menu shows fine - just the dynamic part doesn't roll down...?

I already had multimenu installed on this site - I tried the code above and it just doesn't appear - I've got it to appear in the left bat and when I add the code it disappears, so it's being called I guess - however no menu at all appears?

Any other ideas? It's funny as the previous multimenu was a breeze to install - is there anything I've missed?

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/2 9:38

  • solo71

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2003/1/29

Aaaah, reactions... *phew*

@Tzvook: ok, I got you now. Never noticed that problem as I don't use the 800x600 resolutions. I'll check it.

@defwind: 2 things.
1) Sublinks (permanent or not) are linked to mainlinks, not categories. Consider more categories as display options...

2) multiMenu upgrade. I suppose you want to upgrage from 1.7 to 1.8. The 1.8 version includes brand new templates. I have noticed when upgrading that templates need to be reuploade through the template manager (don't ask me why, I don't know). Another methode, is to backup the multiMenu database entries, uninstall the 1.7, install the 1.8 and then recreate the database entries.

I'll test all this deeper and let you know as it depends probaly wether you are working with the original or custom templates...


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